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Apartheid and supremacy have been revealed for what they have always been. Israel has shown the world what it stands for, what any ethno state must inevitably be: a fountain of injustice and indignity.

It’s not just the Israelis who are in denial (and many of them cheer the bloodshed openly), it’s we allies to the genocide here in the West who also must shoulder much of the blame as we continue to send Netanyahu and his ilk for weapons and silence with extreme prejudice those foolish idealists who dare to raise their voices against this horror.

It isn’t Israel, (because who can blame an ethno-state for being what it is. It is we who must accept the blame as we willingly laugh about Trump’s racism re: Haitians in Springfield but shrug our shoulders at Harris’ open willingness to support and arm supremacists in Ukraine and Israel.

It is we who don’t want to know the truth.

It is we who are truly culpable as we tune out and wait for the next pundit to tell us how good and fine we are to ‘defend democracy’ by voting the correct way in November.

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