Jun 30Liked by Barry Lando

Interesting debate and issues, Barry. I think religion has been a historical barrier to open thought and constructive discussions about opposing views and opinions. Most religions try very diligently to hard wire adherents, at an early age, to accept and adopt their dogma and ‘beliefs’ as gospel, lifetime truths. It limits and stymies open dialogue when one party’s firm, final position is purely faith based, as in ‘end of discussion’, thank you. Unfortunately, faith often leaves little room for facts to get in the way.

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Great post!

I think the answer lies in that both being bullheaded and being open minded have advantages and disadvantages and that’s why you want a variety of ways of thinking and individuals in a population because you never know which strategy is the best one in the heat of the moment.

So I say, let’s hear it all, have much discourse, and may the best ideas win.

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Sounds good...what do others say?

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Barry, who is Jeffery Lando? Your son? (I have a son named Jeffery, too.)

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Barry, shame on you! You have masculinized Joan of Arc, by turning Jeanne into Jean!

But thanking you for your essays --

Joan (not John)

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Thanks Joan. Immediately fixing!

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That shouldn't take more than sixty minutes.

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That shouldn't take more than sixty minutes.

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That shouldn't take more than sixty minutes.

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That shouldn't take more than sixty minutes.

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